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Fagophyrum Esculentum 1X ( Q )

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SBL Fagophyrum Esculentum 1X ( Q )

Causes & Symptoms of SBL Fagophyrum Esculentum 1X ( Q ):
Visible pulsation of the carotids and other arteries.
Headaches involving eyes, root of nose, and back of neck, hot head
Heat and restlessness after retiring.
The itch that tend to get steadily worse through the day and by evening, tendency to dry skin.

Mind and Head:
Inability to fix attention.
Head hot and neck tired, dull pain all through head in evening.
Itching of scalp worse sitting still in warm room.

Eyes, ear, nose:
Itching in and around eyes and ears indicates Fagopyrum Esculentum.
Feeling as if eyeballs were being pushed out, eyes swollen, red, hot, itching, as if sand in eyes.
Heat, itching and neuralgic pains in external ears.
Crusts in nostrils. Nose red and sore externally.

Mouth and Throat:
Bad taste in mouth in morning. Lips dry and cracked
Throat sore, dry, raw, inflamed, aching, tonsils swollen.
Parotid and submaxillary glands swollen, sore, and painful indicates Fagopyrum Esculentum.

Stomach and abdomen:
Sharp sticking through liver, eructation, nausea better by eating indicates Fagopyrum Esculentum.
Soreness in hypogastrium, sharp pains through hypogastric region extending into left inguinal region.

Stool and Anus:
Burning in rectum after stool, with flatulence, very offensive indicates Fagopyrum Esculentum.

Urinary complaints:
Cutting pains in urethra. Difficulty in voiding last drops of urine indicates Fagopyrum Esculentum.

Male complaints:
Profuse, offensive sweat of genital organs indicates Fagopyrum Esculentum.

Female complaints:
Pruritus, better by cold water. Mammae less painful than usual before period.

Neck and Back:
Stiffness of neck and soreness of all neck muscles indicates Fagopyrum Esculentum.
Stitching pains in region of right kidney, neck tired unable to support head.

Pain in hands as if in bones, worse touching cold table. Numbness from knees down.
Pain in left axilla extending down arms indicates Fagopyrum Esculentum.

Excessive itching, with or without eruption, on hairy portions of body generally, worse in afternoon, 5 to 7.